This is one brilliant film. Set five hundred years in the future, in a post-apocalyptic world. Well not post nuclear, but post interplanetary war. 

All the remains of humanity crammed into the partial ruins of a skyscraper city below a tethered, cut off and unreachable sky city up above.

There are borrowed elements. Rollerball is a big feature. The Island, where the lucky winner has the chance to break out of the dystopian stew and go to an imagined paradise.

There is a shadowy evil overlord controlling all the minions on the Earth city like a whack job puppet master, eerily played by Edward Norton.

In to this cyberpunk world of mechanised cyborgs, Rollerball heroes, and hunter killer bounty hunters comes the beautiful Alita.

Her father, one third Dr Jekyll, one third Baron Frankenstein, one third Mother Teresa, builds her from scrap parts discarded by Sky city as a replacement daughter.

Alita, the girl cyborg is amazing. Intelligent, independent, capable, she is on the most important journey of all. The journey to discover herself.

The visual architecture of the dystopian world, the fight scenes, special effects, the great cast of characters go to make this an incredible film. Amazing Sci Fi action for a new generation, and concealed within it a powerful feeling, an understanding that will inspire that generation.

It's brilliant and I loved it. 
